“Bottle brush” or Callistemon is a genus of shrubs in the family Myrtaceae.
Come visit the new greenhouse and check out the colonies with our recently acquired exotic species.
If you need a specific type of plant for your landscaping project, we can create a new cultivar to your specifications.
No project is too big or small. We can populate an entire botanical garden or create a one-of-a-kind greenhouse.
Be the first to grow a tree of unknown origin.
Our Services
We pride ourselves on generating growing art and flora that are out of this world. Our scientists and horticulturists are trained in the newest growth techniques and equipment. We have been cultivating extraordinary plants and landscaping gardens for over 90 years. We have 7 offices in North America, and botanical gardens in New York, Oregon, and San Francisco.
We host events in cities nationwide to showcase our newest varieties and give you an opportunity to see some of the plants in person. Visit the Events page to find out about upcoming events happening in your location.